Cabaña Marsala
Bonsmara in Los Llanos de La Rioja: Technology and genetics to produce the cattle herd that best adapts to management, climate and terrain to produce the best quality meat.
Since 2008 at Cabaña Marsala we continue to bet on the Bonsmara breed as we observe its power to adapt to the harsh conditions of Los Llanos de La Rioja every day. We firmly believe that the introduction of the breed in the area could be the kickoff for a resurgence of the livestock industry in the region, with technology, genetics and results equivalent to the best regions of the country.
The Bonsmara breed was specially created by the South African Jan Bonsma to achieve the best butcher results in a harsh and hostile environment like the African. We started by buying Riojan cows, the ones that know the plains best and thrive in the bushes. Seeking to improve their productivity and meat quality, we introduced Bonsmara blood, a South African breed developed through a strong selection in fertility, its adaptation to the environment and meekness. This incorporation has given excellent results in the pregnancy and weaning indices, as well as in the quality of the meat and its ease of fattening, always maintaining its docility and adaptation to the environment.
Why Bonsmara?
Learn about the Bonsmara Method
Bonsmara genetics come to dispel myths and show that top quality meat can be made in marginal areas with indices of tenderness equivalent to the most renowned butcher breeds. MORE INFO
The Bonsmara breed makes use of the genetic contribution of the Afrikaner breed (Sanga type) and shows high levels of rusticity and sanity.
The Bonsmara breed was specially designed to adapt to the difficult conditions of the marginal areas of South Africa. In Los Llanos de la Rioja (Chaco Seco) they feel without a doubt at home.
Body Temperature Regulation
Jan Bonsma's main hypothesis was that an animal suffering from heat cannot optimally gain weight. That is why the Bonsmara breed was optimized to have a phenomenal resistance to high temperatures.
The Bonsmara selection method considers meekness as an important element, thus achieving animals with great ease of handling, which helps the proper functioning of a livestock operation.
Even in the most adverse conditions, with proper management the Bonsmara breed shows pregnancy, calving and weaning rates on a par with the best European breeds.
Buy Bonsmara from Cabaña Marsala
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Contact Information
+54 - 9 2346 - 655238
+54 - 9 11 - 3324-8890
+54 - 9 2346 - 588267
Establishment "El Cebollar", RN 38 Km 472, La Rioja, ARG